
What's New? Almost Everything...

Written by Studio 16 | Jan 6, 2020 4:00:00 PM
Happy New You!
Today’s blog comes from a different perspective.  This is typically the time of year we are encouraged to take our wins and losses of the previous year - evaluate them and then create goals to make the New Year better than before. Well today I challenge you to look a little deeper, because there are no Do-Overs, only “Do it Again”, and make it better. 
I think The Beatles said it best:
“Hey Jude.
Don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart.
Then you can start to make it better”
It’s up to each of us to make it better.

​This holiday season reminded me of just that - That if it is to be, it is up to me.  
Don’t spend your days rushing through to the next thing - take time to care for yourself and others around you.
This holiday season, I found myself in a fight with the car door - I lost!  Or did I?  I immediately thought “OMG - How am I going to go back to work and take care of all my guests? All the people that depend on me to make them feel “their best self”?  How can I ask my team to step up and take on my guests?” Well it took a few days and a few loving text messages to find out that 1) my team is up for the challenge because that is what I have been working hard to prepare them for and 2) because they are more than capable. 
Today one team member came in on her day off to help me with my bandages, yesterday another came by to run a few errands for me.  Every day I get a call asking how I am doing.  It reminds me that Team 16 is here to take care of YOU! And ME! And Each Other!
What I also realized is that in one split second our lives can change.  We get to decide if it’s for the best.  We get to make that decision.  What I believe this situation is telling me is that I need to slow down.  However, I'm afraid I’ll lose my focus and momentum.  Another choice.  Today I chose to slow down and NOT lose focus or momentum.  I am going to take time to be alone with my thoughts, whether they be cluttered, messy and a little bit crazy - I know this is OK.  Heck, Einstein was CRAZY and he did BIG things!  It's time to become my best self for 2020 and beyond!  In the words of Buzz Lightyear – “TO INFINITY…AND BEYOND!
Let’s go.
While self care generally means eating better (Whole 30 and No Sugar January) and working out more, it also means putting my best foot (and face?) forward.  Who better to help you with that than your own Team 16 Tribe? Our very own Dream Team!
Team 16 manicurist Caitlyn is back after suffering her own holiday injury over Thanksgiving. We also have a NEW Lash artist in the spa, Julia, who has been helping me bat my eyes without mascara (But not before Dana taught me how to exfoliate to keep my skin radiant!)
Your creative team on the floor continues to allow my cut, color and curls to evolve.  They help me embrace my natural tendencies - except I won't let them expose my natural color. I’m not ready for that yet!
Then there is our Guest Care team that puts it all together.  They are sure to let me know when I need to get in as well as if there is anything that I might be in need of. AKA - More hydration for my hair and a new lipstick color. Oh, and Evelyn was so kind to ask if I needed a brow wax.  These ladies are always here to make sure you get what you need and when you need it.
At the end of the day - when we feel as though we are looking our best - we can present ourselves to the world as our best.  Because let's face it - it will take time for our insides to catch up with our outsides. I am OK with that. 
Life is not perfect and neither am I. When I accept that, everything will be fine.
Life isn't about the do over it’s about the “Let’s do it again!” - and get a better outcome.
Happy New You!

P.S.  Did you notice our new website? We're still working on it to serve you better - let us know your feedback!